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A Photographic Scrap Book
From the beginning, and throughout this whole project, people have continued to show their love for someone that they don't even know...
and the children who were involved in collecting toys for other children are very special.

Some of the toys that were collected

More Toys!

Students from Birchwood Elementary collected a lot of toys

Carrying toys to the van

Loading toys

Chattanooga toys on the truck

1 of 3 storage units at Manhattan Mini Storage being used to hold all of the collected toys for THE SANTA CAUSE PROJECT in New York City

Rick carrying toys from Chattanooga storage to the truck

Rick (in truck) and Diane Buhler (wearing hat) of The Santa Cause Project loading an entire truckload of toys collected from Engine 7, Ladder 1 firehall in NYC

After loading all of the toys, Diane Buhler and Libby Tucker realx and enjoy lunch with several firemen at Engine 7, Ladder 1 company.

Diane and Rick in the firehall kitchen after lunch

Denis Noonan, NYC firefighter with Libby & Rick Tucker and 2 other firefighters from Engine 7, Ladder 1. Denis was the first NYC firefighter to respond to Rick's emails regarding the toy drive

Libby & Rick with NYC firefighter Jimmy Brown. Jimmy was assigned to Engine 10 on 9-11 (directly across from the WTC). It was destroyed and now he is in Brooklyn. Behind them is an engine from Engine 10. Jimmy is responsible for connecting Rick & Libby with Diane from The Santa Cause Project.

Engine 10 answering a call downtown

This is why we did this project. One of the many memorials surrounding the WTC site.

Some of New York City's finest at an entrance to Ground Zero

Ground Zero, Dec. 18, 2001 - Our project is dedicated to all of the victims and their surviving families of the WTC disaster of Sept. 11, 2001. God Bless Them.